Client Agreement
This agreement is between You (the client) and the therapist, Peter Carter MSc, RN, DipCSB, AccCOSRT (PC). By signing this document, you agree to the T&Cs set out below, and that forms the therapeutic contract.
PC is accredited with the College of Sex and Relationship Therapists (COSRT) (No.4168 ), registered with the UK Nursing and Midwifery Council (No.85D0812e), holds Enhanced DBS status, Professional Liability Insurance, and is registered with Information Commissioner's Office (No.ZA841429). The service operates from a UK-base, working under UK law, and within the codes of ethics & professional standards set by the above professional bodies above (available on request).
Therapy sessions, fees, and cancellations
Sessions take place on a weekly to fortnightly basis via online platform (Zoom / Bilateral Base), and typically lasts 1hour. Therapy is for the provision of planned individual psychosexual / sex therapy; AND EXCLUDES couple / relationship / urgent care / crisis interventions.
Missed sessions, and cancellations less than 48 hours in advance will still be charged the full fee. You agree to pay at least one session in advance to reserve slot for the following week. Alternatively, you may choose to pay for a block of sessions in advance. In the event of non-payment, PC reserves the right to offer an unpaid session to a waiting list client ‘on the day’. Late | no payment halts therapy and at PC discretion, may terminate therapy.
An initial assessment process of four-six sessions (or more) is routine. Intensive therapy can only commence once an initial assessment is complete. At the start, and every sixth session, a review of working together will take place.
During sex therapy, intimate sexual topics are discussed, but you will never be asked to do anything sexual in-session. Language, resources, and relevant images of a sexual nature are integral to the work. PC incorporates different elements of intervention, tailored to best meet your needs, including Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Trauma-Focused ACT, Internal Family Systems (IFS-Informed) & drawing on relevant fields of evolutionary science, polyvagal theory, attachment theory, and inhibitory learning theory.
A commitment to prioritise and attend sessions is required. This means protecting the time you have identified to commit to therapy, planning-ahead, and arriving to sessions on time. It will not be possible to extend the length of your session if you arrive late.
Please be in a comfortable upright sitting position where your feet can be placed flat on ground. A high back chair is ideal. You agree not to use drugs or alcohol before sessions, or to smoke / vape during sessions. Sessions will not take place if you arrive under the influence of alcohol or non-prescribed medication.
Therapy is an active process and it’s not just talking about your problems and feelings. PC will work with you to help you build the sort of life you want to live which may involve learning skills to handle difficult thoughts, feelings, or behaviours more effectively, so they have less impact and influence over you. Practicing skills between sessions is beneficial. You don’t have to do that of course; but it’s like learning to play a guitar or drive a car: the more practice you do, the better you get.
Therapy also involves clarifying your values: finding out what matters to you, what you want to stand for in life, what strengths and qualities you want to develop, how you want to treat yourself and others. It also involves taking action to solve your problems, and doing things that make life better.
Please bring a paper and pen to sessions. You will gain more from therapy if you keep a notes / a journal, which is simply a notebook in which you write memories, feelings, and impressions as they come to you. Once you establish the habit of using your journal it’s easy to add details as your memory becomes more active - which it surely will. This is for your eyes only so keep it private to avoid subtle inhibitions that can cause you to hold back.
At the beginning of an intervention, it is helpful to schedule ahead times when you may not be able to attend. PC will also make you aware of any dates unavailable. If for any reason you are unable to attend a scheduled session it is important that you make PC aware in good time.
People are individuals. There is no one-size fits all therapy – hence different approaches. People are hugely complex individuals and as with all talking therapies, there is no cast-iron guarantees.
Confidentiality, supervision and note keeping.
Therapy involves the disclosure of sensitive and personal information, so confidentiality is paramount. To protect your right to privacy, the things you disclose to PC will remain confidential. PC is bound by the ethics & professional standards of the accrediting organisation (COSRT), which includes responsibility to manage your information in line with GDPR. There are situations in which PC can break confidentiality with, or without your consent, including:
· Where you give consent for confidentiality to be broken and information to be shared.
· Where PC is compelled by a court of law.
· Where the information is of such gravity that confidentiality cannot be maintained. This includes instances in which PC considers you or others to be in imminent danger, safeguarding concerns, acts of terrorism, or where withholding information means PC may break the law, or breach codes of ethics.
As part of ethical practice, supervision is part PC professional duty of care to you and is required to seek regular consultation with an accredited supervisor. The supervision consultation process is protected by confidentiality, is verbal and PC will use your first name only. If PC was to encounter an emergency and unable to contact you personally, your name and email contact details are shared with the professional supervisor above, who will then inform you about any changes. No other personal information would be shared.
Therapy involves discussion of sensitive personal information (known as ‘Special Category’ data) such as gender, ethnicity, and relationship status. PC will keep brief notes from sessions to help keep track of topics & themes covered. Notes are kept in a locked cabinet and all information is retained for seven years. After this, electronic information is deleted, and paper records shredded.
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
You have the following rights:
To be informed what information is collected and how it is stored.
To see information, I hold about you.
To rectify any inaccurate or incomplete personal information.
To withdraw consent to me using your personal information.
To request your personal information be erased (if appropriate).
To cancel this agreement at any time without further cost.
Data breaches
All breaches will be reported immediately to the person responsible for data protection (PC). If the breach is likely to result in a high risk of adversely affecting individuals’ rights and freedoms, PC will notify the ICO within 72 hours and inform those individuals without undue delay. A record of any personal data breaches will be kept.
Your feedback on the process will be asked for at the end of each session and if you feel unhappy with any aspects of the treatment being offered, please try to communicate this verbally. In the event of you being unhappy with the service you receive, please discuss this with PC. If you feel unable to do so, or do not receive satisfactory resolution, then you have the right to complain to the accrediting / professional body, the COSRT.
Acknowledgment and Consent
By attending your sessions you are acknowledging that you understand and agree to abide by the T&Cs detailed in this client agreement and that we have discussed and clarified any questions you may have about this document.
Signed: Date:
In case of Emergency: Next of kin name: Relationship: Tel:
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